4 Tips to add more light into your room

If you have a room that feels dark and gloomy, here are 4 tips for you on how to brighten it up without spending too much money or time.

Hang mirrors

Adding more mirrors in the room, is one of the easiest way to make it feel bigger and brighter. You could add a large mirror opposite to a window or make an arrangement with several smaller mirrors. You could also use furniture that have a reflecting surface, such as a coffee table or a dresser.

Add more lights

If there is not enough light in the room, you can add more sources of light to illuminate the whole room. You would first need an ambient light to brighten the room in general. You may then add some task lighting to highlight important area and reduce shadows in the room, with floor lamps and table lamps. Finally add some accent light to illuminate specific decoration, for example using led lighting around a painting.

Use light colours

The colours for your walls, furniture and decorations can have a big impact on how your room feels. We recommend using light colour such a white, beige, cream or pastel tone, to reflect light and to create a spacious atmosphere. On the other hand, dark colours absorb light and make a room feel smaller and warmer. Adding some dark colour accent points, such as pillows and rug, will add contrast and interest to your room.

Consider adding plants

Plants are not only good for your health and well-being, but they can also add life and colour to a dark room. Plants help to reduce stress and boost your mood. They also help to make your room feel more natural and fresher.